Drewe Broughton, a former professional football player of 17 years and 22 clubs. On his best day, he was great, but inconsistency on the pitch riddled him and destroyed his potential. Why? Through pain, Drewe got led to the truth. His goal is arm you with the tools, techniques, abilities and understanding of what it actually takes to be consistent and unlock your true potential and setting you on the right path in ALL areas of your life. 

In the first of a series of articles by Drewe Broughton, the author of ‘And Then What..?‘ discusses how ‘Fear is killing the gifted by the thousands’.

Drewe Broughton is promoted by Sports Talent and is available for motivational talks, high performance business coaching and media assignments. Email info@sportstalent.co.uk for further information or call +44 (0)20 7993 2145.


(First Published: 21 August, 2017) Bit by bit fear overwhelmed me and I travelled from employer to employer trying to “find myself”.

Moments of fleeting freedom from the chains of a conditioning in fear would lead to great performances but the truth is I was just buying myself time until I ran out of lives.

Since retiring from playing I experienced so much, ups and downs, on and off the pitch. I am of nature’s blessings highly sensitive and empathetic. This made me completely in tune with the needs of myself and others. Fear for me is one of the most misunderstood and undealt with of emotions. In my experience having dealt with international footballers, business executives, professional golfers and even my own children, it takes great courage to be aware of, to admit to and then to face fear.

Fear, after all, is the opposite of belief, love, creativity, instinct.

To face the darkest recesses of who we are is a tough, tough thing to do. So I learned, there is a real fear and a mind made fear, both, however, create the same physical feelings, heart rate quickens, anxiety kicks in, adrenaline spikes and we use energy trying to fight what is most of the time an imaginary opponent. What can I control and what can’t I? When I have a fear these days, I ask myself, am I in immediate danger? For example, I am on an aeroplane, pilot speaks over the tannoy to say please fasten your seatbelt, initially, there may be a moment of fear. Am I in immediate danger, maybe? Can I control anything right now? No. What can I control? Breathing slowly and accepting complete powerlessness over the situation.

It’s amazing how quickly fear can escalate like a wildfire. When we put the energy out into the universe that many times, that is so pure, we really want the success of a certain thing we are doing, the voices of doubt will immediately stop. Many times with my clients and for me also as a former professional athlete, the voices might sound like this.

“If I don’t play well today I will be dropped”.

“If I am dropped, I will never get back in a team”

“If I don’t get back in the team I have no chance of getting to where I want to”

“They will replace me with someone better”

“I will be released at the end of my contract”

“I will have to look for a new job”




My best games as a player and something I highlight with the guys I mentor is to stop, breathe and stare the fear in the eyes, ask yourself truly, what can you control? Then answer honestly, I find so many times that acknowledging the fear and then answering with great honesty and humility takes the power completely away from it. For example, to the above scenario, my answer “maybe I will get dropped, potentially I might be replaced and as for a years’ time at the end of my contract, I am not going to look that far ahead but I can’t control “playing well” l don’t even know what that looks like”.

 But I can run, I can work and every time that voice says that’s not your day, give up, your rubbish, I can say I will deal with you after the game but I am not going to listen to you now, now I am going to trust. I must trust that if I work and work and work and when I am tired, work again and accept I really can’t control the outcome at all that this might actually free me up to just go and be the best version of myself.


So go and smash fear back in the face and be you.

And Then What..?

Packed full of powerful stories and teachings, this book is full of lessons for anyone in any walk of life…

And Then What..? Is a frank account of Drewe’s playing days over 17 years with 22 clubs.

But it also offers a fascinating, topical insight into his current work today helping to mentor professionals through the high and lows of the game.

Buy the book on Amazon.co.uk